
Salt and Light: A New Passion

                                                                        Salt and Light: A New Passion Hey Friends!  I am so sorry I have not written in a long time!  I am going to work on managing my time wiser.      So, a lot has happened since I last wrote.  Here is a list of some things that happened in my own life. (It is just easier for me to make a list than write something as long as a book). 1. God opened up a door for me to go to Malaysia on a mission trip! 2. I started at a new school in January. 3. The new school I was at did not work out so I am at Arrows Academy right now. 4. I am in the SALT (Student Ambassador Leadership Team) group at my church. 5. While being in SALT, God has challenged me by gi...

He Is Faithful

                                                          He Is Faithful                                                                                When we fall from God or stray, we tend to think that it is totally impossible for Him to do great things through us.  We may say to ourself, "I've done too much for God to use me", "Who would want to listen to me when I've messed up so much" or, "Surely God has given up on using me."  If you have thought any of these things or anything similar, I want to tell you that that is farthest from the truth.  Whatever you have done does not even compare to the power of God, and by His...

Loving Yourself

                                                                                    Loving Yourself      We hear those inspirational quotes saying, “Love yourself,  f ollow your heart, do what brings you joy; that’s all that matters, because you matter most” or something along those lines.   I am all for loving yourself, but God's way.    But before I say anything else, let’s dive into what God’s Word says about our heart .   Jerimiah 17:9: “ The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”   Matthew 15:19: “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.”   Now that you read these verses, what do you think you should d...

Beyond Treasured

                                                               Placing Your Worth In the Wrong Places                  As a teenage girl, it is a struggle to place my worth in the wrong places.  I know I am not alone in this because of the way society has morphed our brains.  Some of the things we can place our worth in is how many guys like you, social media, how many friends we have, what others think of us, our weight, our past, and our academic levels.  These are (sadly) just a handful of what us girls place our worth in.  God did not intend us to do this.  He created YOU for a specific mission only you can do.  God created women to be beautiful beings to glorify Him.  1 Samuel 16:7 says; “Do not consider his appear...